42 amazing plants for corridors

42 εκπληκτικά φυτά για διαδρόμους

Planting plants along a hallway can add beauty and warmth to your home. Here The best plants for sidewalks

When choosing plants for the walkway It is important to choose plants that suit the local climate to add natural beauty to a dull or dull path. Read on to know about it The best plants for sidewalks

Learn 30 DIY garden path ideas with tutorials. here

The best plants for sidewalks

1. Rhododendron


Botanical name: Rhododendron spp.

USDA zone: 5-9

Rhododendrons It is a wonderful flowering shrub that is perfect for paths because of its beautiful flowers and rich foliage. They are known for their large, colorful flowers that come in shades of pink, red, purple, white and more.

Learn the differences between rhododendrons and magnolias here.

2. Irish Moss

Razatnik Michalek

Botanical name: Sakina is defeated

USDA zone: 4-8

Irish moss is a low-growing groundcover that is ideal for sidewalks because of its small leaves. The emerald green forms a dense mat. It produces small white flowers in the summer that add color to the pavement.

3. Moss Roses


Botanical name: portlaca grandiflora

USDA zone: 3-11

Moss roses are perennials in frost-free zones. But there is often cold weather all year round. Suitable for corridors due to low diffusion. It has bright cup-shaped flowers in shades of pink, red, yellow and white.

Learn about rose moss plant care here.

4. Liriopi

Botanical name: Liriope Muscari

USDA zone: 6-10

Liriopi will produce small flowers. Purple or white bushes form in late summer. which adds color to the walkway Often used as a roadside plant because of its low, clipped appearance.

5. Fern

Botanical name: Philippi

USDA zone: 4-11

Some of the most popular ferns for pedestrian planting include Japanese fern (Athyrium niponicum), purple fern, and silver fern. and the leaf fern (Dryopteris erythrozora).

Here are some of the best colorful ferns to grow in your garden.

6. Astilbe


Botanical name: Astilbe spp.

USDA zone: 4-9

Astilbe, also known as false spiral, is a flowering perennial with feathery foliage and delicate pointed flowers in shades of pink, red, white and lavender.

7. Lily

Botanical name: Hemerocallis spp.

USDA zone: 4-9

Daylilies are easy-to-grow perennials that are ideal for walkways because of their low maintenance. Lilies come in a variety of colors including yellow, orange, red and pink.

This is the best daily variety.

8. Coral Beads


Botanical name: Heuchara spp.

USDA zone: 4-9

Coral beads are perennials with colorful foliage and delicate flowers that are perfect for walkways. The leaves are shades of green, purple, silver and black, while the flowers appear in shades of pink, red and white on tall, sturdy stems.

This is the best bell shaped flower.

9. Damage

Jay Parker

Botanical name: Sedum spp.

USDA zone: 3-11

Sedum, also known as stonecrop, is ideal for sidewalks because of its drought tolerance and ability to thrive in poor soil.

10. Catmint


Botanical name: Nepeta spp.

USDA zone: 3-9

It is a perennial with fragrant foliage and delicate tubular flowers in shades of blue, lavender and pink. This plant is ideal for planting on sidewalks as it can thrive in hot and dry climates. and resistant to pests and diseases

11. Creeping thyme


Botanical name: royal sweep

USDA zone: 4-9

Creeping thyme is a low-growing perennial herb that is ideal for sidewalks because of its ability to form a dense, aromatic ground cover. This plant produces tiny pink or purple flowers in summer and is also used as a culinary herb.

Check out the best basil growing tips here.

12. tap grass

Botanical name: Pennicetum spp.

USDA zone: 4-11

Fountains are a group of ornamental grasses with tall, arching fountain-like flowers. This tree is ideal for pathways because of its unique texture and movement. and can add a soft and graceful feel to any landscape.

13. Hydrangea

Botanical name: macrophylla hydrangea

USDA zone: 5-10

Mobhead hydrangea is a deciduous shrub with large, round flowers in shades of pink, blue and purple. This plant is ideal for sidewalks because of its ability to add a striking and colorful statement to any landscape.

Enjoy beautiful garden landscaping with hydrangea ideas. here

14. Hardwood

Botanical name: Buxus spp.

USDA zone: 5-9

Boxwood is a group of evergreen shrubs. This plant is ideal for walkways because of its ability to create a formal and structured look and can add a timeless, classic feel to any landscape.

15. Lavender

Botanical name: Lavender spp.

USDA zone: 5-10

Lavender belongs to the group of aromatic perennial herbs. It has fragrant foliage and purple, pink or white flowers Prefers sunny and well-drained soils. and blooms from late spring to summer

This is the best perennial lavender variety.

16. Hosta

Wikimedia Commons

Botanical name: Hosta

USDA zone: 3-9

Hosta plants are herbaceous perennials with evergreen foliage and white flowers. lavender and blue This plant is great for walkways and can also be planted in shady areas as it can add a rich feel to any landscape.

Check out the best varieties of hostas. here

17. Alex

Botanical name: Ilex spp.

USDA zone: 7-10

These evergreen shrubs have glossy foliage and clusters of tiny white flowers and bright red berries. Ilex prefers sun to shade and well-drained soil.

18. Phlox moss

Botanical name: The phloxes have been taken down.

USDA zone: 3-9

It is a low-growing, mat-shaped perennial with small, colorful flowers in shades of pink, purple and white.

19. Pin

Botanical name: Corbinus spp.

USDA zone: 3g-9g

These are deciduous trees and shrubs with dense, finely veined leaves that turn yellow in autumn. This tree is ideal for pathways due to its ability to add a structured look to any landscape and can also be used to create a natural privacy screen.

20. Zinnia

Botanical name: Zinnia

USDA zone: 3-11

It is a biennial plant with colorful daisy-like flowers in shades of red, orange, pink and yellow. This plant is ideal for walkways and can also be used as a cut flower due to its ability to add a bold and cheerful touch to the landscape various

Learn about growing zinnias in pots here.

21. Begonias

Botanical name: begonia

USDA zone: 3-11

This flowering perennial features colorful flowers in shades of red, pink, orange and white. This plant is ideal for walkways and can also be used in container gardens due to its ability to add color and texture to any landscape .

See 50 photos of beautiful pink begonias. here

22. Lady Mantle

Shutterstock/J Done.

Botanical name: Alchemilla spp.

USDA zone: 3-8

It is known for its serrated, fan-shaped leaves and clusters of small, greenish-yellow flowers. It can also be used for cut flowers or dried arrangements.

23. Alice

Botanical name: Lobularia Maritima

USDA zone: 5-10

Alyssum is a low-growing biennial plant. The flowers are small, fragrant, white, pink and purple. They prefer sunny and well-drained soils.

25. Geranium

Botanical name: Geranium spp.

USDA zone: 3-11

Cranberries form a vigorous perennial group with beautifully cut foliage and colorful flowers in shades of pink, purple and blue.

here Top tips to help geraniums bloom!

26. Virginia Leaf Heart

Botanical name: Burginia Cordefolia

USDA zone: 3-8

Heartleaf bergenia is a vigorous, hardy perennial that is perfect for early spring walkways with its pretty heart-shaped leaves and clusters of pink or white flowers.

27. King Edward Yarrow

Botanical name: Achillea philipendulina ‘King Edward’

USDA zone: 4-9

King Edward yarrow is a vigorous perennial. It has finely cut leaves that look like a fern. and clusters of bright yellow flowers in midsummer.

28. Pansy

Botanical name: Viola x Vitrokiana

USDA zone: 7-11

These are colorful annuals with flat, rounded flowers in a variety of colors including purple, blue, yellow, orange, pink and white.

Learn how to grow pansies in pots here.

29. Purple

Botanical name: the scent of violets

USDA zone: 3-9

Violets are beautiful and versatile plants that can add color and fragrance to a hallway. They have heart-shaped leaves that are glossy green. And their flowers can be purple, blue or white.

Check out the best varieties of purple flowers. here

30. Crest Crest

Botanical name: Abrietta of Tuudea

USDA zone: 4-7

Rock Cress, also known as Aubrieta, is a hardy and reliable perennial. Ideal for borders and paths. It has a spreading habit and forms a low dense green mat covered with tiny flowers in shades of pink, purple or white.

31. Maritime Economy

Dutch lamp

Botanical name: naval arsenal

USDA zone: 3-9

Sea orchids are vibrant and attractive plants. Suitable for paths, borders and rock gardens.Puts out grass-like foliage and tall stems. It has small flowers in the shape of a ball of pink or white color.

32. Well-being

garden planting

Botanical name: Artemisia Schmittiana

USDA zone: 3-7

This small, low-growing plant with silver-gray foliage is ideal for the pathway garden. Creates a fluid matte finish that adds elegance and texture to any environment.

Do you love silver foil? This is the best silver grape variety.

33. Creepy Jenny

Westwood Gardens

Botanical name: Numisaria lollipops

USDA zone: 4-10

It is a vigorous plant with bright yellow leaves that spread quickly and form a dense foliage that covers the ground. Its trailing habit makes it an excellent choice for planting along sidewalks.

34. Hen and chicks

Botanical name: eternal roof

USDA zone: 3-11

This succulent plant produces a rosette of succulent leaves that grow close to the ground. With the ability to tolerate poor soil conditions and drought conditions. It is an excellent choice for low maintenance cobblestones. which can add interest with its unique structure

35. Pachi Chandra

Botanical name: Pajichandra Terminus

USDA zone:5b-9a

This evergreen tree has glossy, dark green leaves that lend a rich green to a sidewalk garden. It grows in the shade and forms a dense carpet that suppresses weed growth and balances the garden.

here The Best Shade Covering Plants You Can Grow

36. Impatience

Botanical name: Impatiens Walleriana

USDA zone: 9b-11

with colorful flowers and blossoms in full bloom This tree can add color to the garden along the way. it is easy to grow they grow in the shade And it can be a floral carpet that adds a happy and welcoming atmosphere to the environment.

37. Scapiosa

Botanical name: Scapiosa, Colombia

USDA zone: 3-9

With thin stems and delicate blue lavender flowers. Scabiosa is a beautiful addition to a roadside garden. It is a plant that does not need much maintenance. Tolerates sun or partial shade. and attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

38. Kinephyllum, happy face

Botanical name: Potentilla Fruiticosa

USDA zone: 3-7

Happy Face Cinquefoil is a ground cover plant that adds color to any space. With its cheerful yellow flowers all summer long.

Check out these cute flowers with a smiley face.

39. Speedwell

makes a mistake

Botanical name: Veronica Spicada

USDA zone: 4-8

This perennial has purple-blue flowers that bloom from late spring to mid-summer. Easy to grow and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions.

40. Echiveria

Botanical name: Echeveria

USDA zone: 9-12

Echeverias are a great choice for walkways because they can be planted directly in the ground or in containers. This makes it easy to create beautiful, maintenance-free walkways.

Learn how to plant and care for Echeveria elegans. here

41. Canna Lily

Botanical name: ridge

USDA zone: 8-11

Canna flowers can be planted en masse to create a bold statement or spaced out for a more subtle effect along a walkway. They do best in the sun. But it also tolerates partial shade.

42. Spider Lily

Botanical name: Hymenocallis littoralis

USDA zone: 6-11

Spider lilies are a great choice for a walkway. Due to its glossy dark green foliage, it adds a luxurious touch to any garden. Fragrant flowers attract pollinators. It’s a great way to bring life to your sidewalk.

Here is our guide to caring for and growing red spider lilies.

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